"Pass it on - Apapachar " Fine art paper pigment print 95w x 100h cm edition of 9

"Pass it on - Home " Fine art paper pigment print 100w x 94h cm edition of 9

"Pass it on - Same blood" Fine art paper pigment print 69w x 100h cm edition of 9

"Pass it on - Dream " Fine art paper pigment print 69w x 100h cm edition of 9

"Pass it on - Shame " Fine art paper pigment print 69w x 100h cm edition of 9

"Pass it on - Trust " Fine art paper pigment print 90w x 74h cm edition of 9

"Pass it on - Tolerance " Fine art paper pigment print 68w x 100h cm edition of 9

"Pass it on - Dignity" Fine art paper pigment print 90w x 70h cm edition of 9

"Pass it on - Inside the iceberg " Fine art paper pigment print 84w x 100h cm edition of 9

"Pass it on - Cure " Fine art paper pigment print 67w x 100h cm edition of 9

"Pass it on - Reverse of courage" Fine art paper pigment print 71w x 130h cm edition of 9
Pass it on!
The inspiration for this series of images comes from an old story of a castaway who threw his final wish into the sea. Despair? Or a magnificent exhibition of hope?
Reflecting on our world, which is riddled with diseases, terrorism, tragedies caused by greed, millions of refugees, and hungry people, I wondered what the message could be. And none is the answer.
There is a need for treatment, tolerance, food, and justice.
As a photographer, I lack both the pretension and the authority to act forcefully. I’m just sending my earnest photographic request here: a naive, yet definitely powerful message.
Some photos/messages displayed here were inspired by specific events, such as "Same Blood”, by the Paris terror attacks, and "Reverse of Courage”, by the horrible disasters that happened in the cities of Mariana and Brumadinho, Brazil.
This series was made with camera and lenses Canon.
All photos were manipulated in Adobe Photoshop.
-Bresil Art France displayed the photographs "Home" and "Inside the Iceberg" at the 2017 Salon Art Shopping du Carroussel du Louvre.
-This series was published in Carcara Photo Art magazine in June 2019.
– A’Design Award. “Pass It On” series was awarded Bronze, category Photography. Como, Italy, 2020.
– 7th FAPA (Fine Art Photography Awards), nominee in category Fine Art - Professional with the series “Pass It On”. London, 2021.
Fine art paper pigment print
edition of 9